Homme écritant, concentré, stylo, papier, bureau, vêtement décontracté, travail, étude, écriture, calme, intérieur, silencieux

Steve Salvat

Steeven Salvat is a French artist who lives and works in Paris. Born in 1990 in Menton, in the south of France, Steeven Salvat has been passionate about drawing and painting since his early childhood; nature and the living permeate its universe. His works are composed of several layers of hatching, using Indian ink, millions of lines and hundreds of hours of work.

Inspired in particular by Albrecht Dürer, Gustave Doré, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Molitz and Moebius, Steeven Salvat pays particular attention to technique and details. His favorite tool, the Rotring pen, allows him to obtain a result close to engraving but always with a touch of modernity. A meticulous and delicate work that praises the passing of time, where each line acts like a countdown.
His subjects highlight duality, particularly between nature and mechanics, in works that evoke the naturalist engravings of the 18th century. The animals to which he brings to life, line after line, interact with unique objects, pieces of goldwork, antique works of art...

14 products

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Steeven Salvat
Astacidae Sale price33€ Regular price45€
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Steeven Salvat
Brachyur Theorax Sale price29€ Regular price39€
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Steeven Salvat
Carlafolis crab Sale price36€ Regular price49€
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Steeven Salvat
World Sale price66€ Regular price89€
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Steeven Salvat
Horseshoe Lime Sale price52€ Regular price70€
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Steeven Salvat
Typewriter Sale price63€ Regular price85€
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Steeven Salvat
Phonograph Sale price63€ Regular price85€
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Steeven Salvat
hourglass Sale price36€ Regular price49€
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Steeven Salvat
Phone Sale price36€ Regular price49€
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Beetle orné avec des pierres précieuses, étiquette en bas
Steeven Salvat
Chrysora Saphistica Sale price36€ Regular price49€
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Papillon orné, étiquette, ancien, nature morte, bijoux, insecte, cadre, papier vieilli, détaillé, orné, ancien, étiquette
Steeven Salvat
Coccinepal Breguapoli Sale price30€ Regular price40€
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Papillon orné, étiquette, verre coloré, insecte, bijoux, ancien, cadre beige, texte en bas
Steeven Salvat
Coccinepal Breguapoli open Sale price30€ Regular price40€
Save 23€
Papillon stylisé, motifs complexes, étiquette en bas, fond beige
Steeven Salvat
Goldiathus Lestourgis Sale price66€ Regular price89€
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Insecte orné, bijoux, étiquette, papillon, or, émeraude, rubis, diamant, argent, ancien, art, nature morte
Steeven Salvat
Loriaocles Emeraltus Sale price36€ Regular price49€