Homme, sourire, bras croisés, t-shirt, noir et blanc, portrait, cheveux longs, barbe

John Lucchini

Johann Lucchini is a designer & illustrator born in Paris. A graduate of the Publishing section of the École Supérieure des Arts et Industries Graphiques Estienne, he continued his training in graphics and artistic direction.

Johann Lucchini works today as an Artistic Director and produces, among other things, visual identities, digital interfaces, animations and illustrations in multiple fields such as fashion, the educational sector, industrial design or service design .

Fascinated by nature and form as a graphic object, Johann Lucchini enjoys deconstructing to reconstruct different universes, most often with a minimalist approach. Johann Lucchini likes to explore different techniques, and uses both ink and paper, as well as different digital tools to create shapes and tell stories.

2 products

Alphabet animalier, lettres en noir et blanc, animaux stylisés, espèces menacées, typographie créative
Alphabet des espèces menacées ; animaux ; lettres ; noir et blanc ; poster éducatif